Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Model Rules on Public Disclosure: Washington State

Thanks to Mark M. for sending the link direct via email, because sometimes you need the information to "push back" against State, County, Local run-around to your Freedom of Information Act Requests. I have also added the link that goes to the information below under Washington State FOIA information that covers both print rules and electronic rules for open records requests.

Model Rules on Public Disclosure

2006 Model Rules (Paper Records)

As part of the 2005 recodification of the Public Records Act, the Legislature asked the Attorney General to provide guidance to both records requestors and agencies on the public records process by drafting model rules on public disclosure.

After conducting a 13-city Open Government tour, gathering comments in the mail and on the Web and holding a public hearing, the model rules were formally adopted in late winter 2006. The model rules are non-binding and provide "best practices" for requestors and agencies.

Final Model Rules as a Word Document, Including Electronic Model Rules (For government agencies to use for adoption of their own version)
Open Gov Logo
Visit the Open Government Tour page to hear audio from the Open Government tour.

2007 Model Rules (Electronic Records)

The Legislature directed the Attorney General to adopt advisory model rules on topics including “Fulfilling requests for electronic records.” RCW 42.56.570(2). The model rules are non-binding best practices to assist records requestors and agencies. On June 15, 2007, the Attorney General’s Office adopted the model rules for electronic records. Information about them is below.

Model Rules (Electronic Records) - PDF (note: new language is in underline, deleted language stricken-through, and new sections denoted as “New Section”)

Rule Making Documents:

CR-103 Rule Making Order

Concise Explanatory Statement
